Demystifying the Salem Witch Trials

For many older students and professional historians alike, you might find that the Salem Witch Trials are bizarre events surrounded in mystery and horror. For younger students, this topic might even be considered too disturbing. Even for those not well-versed in the knowledge of witchcraft, or those who are against it, can’t help but be … Continue reading Demystifying the Salem Witch Trials

LGBTQ Role Models and Social Media On: How it Opened for New Possibilities and Awareness

By: Emilie Maia Picture a piece of history that means something important to you. It could be because you relate to it, an older family member told you their experience, or it could be just you felt something towards it in general. My project is going to be on LGBTQ role models then and now. … Continue reading LGBTQ Role Models and Social Media On: How it Opened for New Possibilities and Awareness

Defiance: The Untold Story of Jewish Immigrants

If someone were to ask you what you knew about the Holocaust, what would you say? How would you classify that time? Before learning about The Bielski Brothers and other courageous Jewish immigrants, I would say the Holocaust was a time where Jews were persecuted and executed unmercifully without a fight.  “Though one of the standard … Continue reading Defiance: The Untold Story of Jewish Immigrants